
Member Store Credit

In case you missed the recent announcement, there's a new perk available to members.

Every member will receive $5 in Portfolio Charts store credit every month equal to the standard membership fee. You can use it on any product you want, including your favorite chart, shirt, or anything else that catches your eye. But the credit can only be used once per month, and unused credits do not carry over. So don’t let it sit! 

Put your monthly membership subscription to good use to get the most out of your money. Not only with your portfolio, but also with your much-appreciated Portfolio Charts support.


Introducing Optimizer+

In case you missed the recent announcement, there's a new members-only feature out called Optimizer+. It's an especially powerful premium version of the new Optimizer tool that can identify desirable asset combinations not previously on your radar.

Happy portfolio hunting!


December COTM - Rolling Returns

Even when racing down the same hill, the experience of each person can be very different. This phenomenon also applies to investing, as no two rides using identical portfolios are the same.

To look beyond a single start and finish to see the full performance range for different investors over any length of time, a good option is the Rolling Returns chart. 

As the new December promotion, members can also use the Chart of the Month to run the same analysis for any data of their choosing. So while you're shopping for friends and family, take a moment to also set aside some personal time for a simple gift of knowledge.

Happy Holidays!


November COTM - Target Accuracy

Following up on my recent post about the right way to use past performance to plan for the future, I thought it would be fun to offer the featured Target Accuracy tool as the new Chart of the Month

If you're a member, grab your free download and drop in your data to see the consistency of your own portfolio. And if you're not a member but are interested in supporting Portfolio Charts, it's really easy to sign up and give it a try.


October COTM - Financial Independence

If memories of the beach make you happy, what if I told you that there's a way to let your investments do the work while you enjoy the waves?

Members can use the new Chart of the Month to study their own unique portfolio returns and how they work towards financial independence. Find your beach, and the tools will help you get there.


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Fun New Withdrawal Rate Discussion

I recently had the pleasure of talking about safe withdrawal rates with Jesse Cramer on his Best Interest podcast. It's always fun to speak with a fellow engineer, and we even got to geek out on a few things like engineering tolerances and how they relate to uncertainty. If you'd like to learn more about how SWR mechanics can support a happy retirement, this episode is for you.

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