Thank you for becoming a Portfolio Charts member!

The password system is admittedly a little unusual, so a quick explanation should hopefully clear things up. There are two passwords to be aware of:

  • An account password that you create when you became a member. This is a permanent password that is unique to you. It’s what you use to log in using the person icon at the top-right of the page when you want to manage your account, read the Bonus Points feed, or claim a member discount on a product.

  • An access code that you use to access specific members-only tools like My Portfolio. This is the same for all members and changes monthly. You can find the access code by logging in to your account and checking the Bonus Points feed. Click on the "Find the Access Code" button at the top, and it will take you to the most recent post that contains the code. You only need to enter the access code once per month. If you are using a browser plugin to translate the page to a different language, please note that the access code will always be in English.

    The reason for the dual-code system is that the transaction-based features on Portfolio Charts are run by an outside company on different servers from the rest of the site. The good thing about that separation is that all of your personal financial information is completely secure. But one tradeoff is that accessing some of the member tools requires an extra step.

    If you ever have an issue using an account password or an access code, please don't hesitate to contact me.